#150 - 6 Tips to Promote Your Gig

  1. Create a strong visual aesthetic: This is the first thing people see. No matter how on point your line-up is, if the artwork doesn’t hit the mark, you’ll struggle to achieve engagement.

  2. Be consistent with your artwork: It’s important to create versions of your artwork that fit the dimensions of each channel. Consistency across platforms is key.

  3. Utilise stories: Instagram stories are a quick and easy way to boost engagement. Don’t miss a trick - share each event post to your story, alongside artwork designed specifically for story engagement i.e. video.

  4. Utilise video content: Things that move naturally grab our attention - so don’t slack on including video content and animations in your promotion, particularly for story content.

  5. Create a long-term posting strategy: Sow the seed early and start your promotion at least one month ahead of your gig. From here, ramp up the number of mentions and posts during the lead up, especially on the week of the show.

  6. Coordinate with other artists: Share the artwork with any artists, friends or colleagues involved in the event, along with suggested posting times - a burst of posts landing on people’s feeds at the same time will have a much bigger impact.

BONUS: Hire a photographer and / or a videographer to capture your gig’s best moments - you’ll thank yourself when it comes to promoting your next one.


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