#145 - 5 Reasons To Sign Up To PRS For Music

  1. Copyright Protection - Songwriters, protect your music! By signing up you are giving yourself extra protection against copyright infringement of your valuable written works...

  2. Royalties -  PRS collect royalties on your behalf when your music is performed or broadcasted in public. 

  3. Covers - When you play a cover and  register the performance of the song, the original songwriter will get royalties -  let's help each other out! 

  4. Funding -  PRS are very supportive of new music, and offer a range of funding for music creators, that may be worth applying for to develop your project! 

  5. Open -You don’t have to be receiving airplay from established radio stations to be a member, you can join at any point in your music career!

The Performing Rights Society (PRS) are responsible for collecting and distributing royalties worldwide on behalf of UK based song writers and artists - one important reason to sign up, so you can get paid for your great work! It’s not just for established artists achieving radio play on bigger stations, it’s for creators, and a very powerful resource for local and beginner musicians. There are many benefits to0 investing in a PRS membership early in your songwriting career. To find out more about PRS and what they have to offer follow this link


#146 - 5 Tips For Building Your Home Studio


#144 IZZA - Thinking In The Dark