#186 - 5 Tips To Secure Your Own Press As An Artist

  1. Personalise your emails

    You are more likely to make a lasting impression with a personalised email than a blanket approach to all blogs. Find the journalists name and email rather than a generic blog email, this may be online, on social media or you may have to call and ask. Mention a recent article of theirs that you enjoyed, or why your story may resonate with their readers. Seeing that you have an interest in their work personally may gain you the same mutual respect for you work.

  2. What is your hook?

    The winning combination for press is a good story and a good song. What is your story? Let them know what sets you apart from all the other emails they receive. Are you different because of the way you write music, or perhaps someone in the band plays a peculiar instrument, or maybe you've worked with a major name for this release? Find your angle and put it out the to the media.

  3. Keep it short and simple

    They have many emails to read so keep it short and sweet with a private SoundCloud link (if unreleased). Make sure your hook is early to prompt them to keep reading. Always include clear hyperlinks to your social media and streaming platforms, and an eye-catching, high quality press image at the end.

  4. Research similar artists

    Finding the right blogs to approach may be a simple google search, but if you’re struggling, research similar artists to you and see which publications have featured them that you could reach out to. It is vital to pitch to the correct people, if you submit to a blog that doesn’t cover your genre, location or release type you will be declined and waste both parties time, potentially ruining press relationships.

  5. Offer exclusive content

    It’s only news once! Providing new, exclusive content and letting them know they are the first to receive it is a good way to get coverage. For example, letting them cover a music video 24 hours before the official release. Exclusive content leads to increased page views so they see this as beneficial for them.


#187 - 5 Social Media Content Ideas For When You Are Stuck


#185 - 5 Ways To Increase Your Social Media Engagement With Upcoming Live Shows