#128 - 6 Ways To Build A Productive & Creative Space

  1. Have a think about what makes you comfortable, whether it’s physical things like furniture, blankets, clothing or sensory with the use of candles, or being surrounded by plants and furry friends. 

  2. Make sure to have your essentials around. Whether it’s just a pen, pencil and guitar or background music, a blanket and snacks, whatever you need in order to be productive needs to be easy to reach for.

  3. Add a space to recharge. Sometimes all we need to boost creativity is a mental break. Create a break space in your studio, space permitting of course, where you can move to. Walk away from your work, make yourself a drink and recharge your batteries. 

  4. Stay away from distractions: If you’re the type of person that gets distracted easily, make sure to have all your distractions away from your creative space. That could be having your phone in another room, or perhaps not having access to the internet .

  5. Hang a noticeboard on your office wall. This is a simple idea to help your workspace trigger your creativity. When you have an idea, write it down. Leave it up for as long as you want - let it seep into your unconscious - and then erase it when you have moved on. Ideas that are written down are statistically more likely to become a reality, and seeing your thoughts written down can help develop your ideas further.

  6. Have a steady routine. Setting up a routine for yourself will help you subconsciously get into the right state of mind to be creative. This could include your morning coffee or maybe starting out by writing down 5 things that have inspired you recently.]=


#129 S. T. Manville - Stalemate


#127 - 6 Tips To Use Social Media Without Jeopardising Your Mental Health