#203 - Top Tips To Build Anticipation For Your Next Release

  1. Hint that something is coming

    Put out early hints 3-4 weeks pre release that something is coming. This gets people excited and they get on board with your project from day 1. You don’t need to give a release date at first, just teasers like studio pics or a few acoustic lines and ask if you should finish the song. This also motivates you to work towards the release as you have now put out that it is soon.

  2. Involve your followers in the process

    TikTok really lends itself to this type of content, trialling the different versions of a song, different melodies, ‘how should I finish the lyric?’ videos. You could run polls on Instagram stories to get opinions on a part of the song, therefore increasing engagement. It will make viewers intrigued to see the final project.

  3. Release date

    1-2 weeks before release give the date and the cover art with a pre-save link. Pre-saves can be difficult to get but get creative and try. Putting the link on stories makes it more accessible and people are more likely to click if it is easy for them.

  4. Trends

    The week pre and post release are the times to jump on trends whether that be challenges, certain sounds or concepts as they can boost your views and lead to more interest on your platforms. If you can relate these to your new music then that is ideal.


#204 - 5 Growth Tips For Independent Artists


#202 - Content Ideas: Fan Engagement Posts