Laid Bare Music

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#193 - How To Grow Your TikTok Account In 2023

  1. Livestream schedule

    The app is switching its focus to pushing livestreaming so having a regular livestream schedule will encourage new viewers and growth. Note you must have over 1000 followers to access the live feature.

  2. Engage with other accounts

    Comment on others posts, support other musicians and follow other creators. Doing this a small amount daily will get you noticed far more regularly and lead to noticeable growth.

  3. Use trends

    Trends have great power for growth but you must be strategic over which trends you use, keep them relevant, whether that is through comedy or related to musicians and music.

  4. Look at your history

    Which of your videos have previously performed best? It is important to learn from these, why not make a few more like this and see if they perform well too, you may find your niche that boosts your following.

  5. Duet and Stitch

    A great way to increase your presence on users ‘for you pages’ is to use the duet and stitch feature. Add to popular videos, whether that be through making a comment or adding a layer of instrumental or harmony to someone’s cover video!