Laid Bare Music

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#218 - 5 Ways To Step Up Your Game

  1. Same social handle on all accounts

    This is important for so many reasons but the main one being it makes it a whole lot easier for fans to find you and follow you. It doesn’t matter as much once you’re verified but let’s assume that’s not happening for a few years. It also really helps with Google.

  2. Website placeholder

    Create a website for yourself with the same url as your social media handles. If you went with @artistnamemusic then have your website url be Your website can just be a landing page with one image for now but have it as a placeholder for whenever you’re ready to work on it. This is really easy to do in a day and only costs a couple pounds per month.

  3. Same profile photo on all accounts

    Having the same profile photo on all accounts helps with making sure you’re recognizable right away. It can also be from the same photoshoot but different poses. Just make sure your face or instrument or whatever makes you stand out is fully visible.

  4. Claim your Google knowledge panel as soon as it pops up

    The Google Panel is a great free tool that summarizes everything Google can find about you in one panel making it easy for people to have all the information. This panel only starts appearing once Google has enough information to feed through it. Press, Social Media, Website, all those things help with the Knowledge panel. The process is even quicker if you have a unique name that differentiates you from others.

  5. Updated bios with link

    Check your bios on social media and make sure they have the latest link, the latest release info, your pronouns and anything else that you want first-time visitors to know about.