#237 - How To Best Prep For Your Next Year As A Musician

  1. Bank songs

    Use the quiet time around Christmas to get your creativity flowing and write new material. It is a great idea to have the first few releases written, maybe even recorded and mastered ahead of the new year so the workload never catches up to you. Stay ahead!

  2. Reflect on content

    Look at stats, what worked this year and what didn’t? How can you use this information to elevate your socials game next year?

  3. Get quality live footage

    Not only does this make great content but creating high quality showreel will really help with your festival applications for the following year which can open as early as November!

  4. Create an up to date EPK

    Having an up to date EPK to give out in the new year will save you plenty of time whilst you aren’t as busy. Credit all your best achievements, gigs and stats! Show off!


#238 - Festival Applications And When They Open


#236 - 5 Reasons Your Paid Ads Aren’t Working