Laid Bare Music

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#239 - Top Tips To Get The Best Out Of Your Live Performances

  1. QR codes

    Hand out QR codes linked to whatever is key right now for you, whether that’s a presave link, a spotify link, a linktree or a social media profile. That way if those who watch you perform like your music they have an easy way to find you!

  2. Turn up on time

    Being prompt to soundchecks gives a great impression to industry but also gives you the best chance of getting your performance and sound perfect!

  3. Speak to audience

    Address your audience during the show, sell your personality, and after the show chat to people, make that personal connection to keep them coming back.

  4. Warm ups

    Focusing on your breath and vocal warm ups ahead of a performance are important to make sure the performance is seamless on stage.

  5. Content

    Take gigs as a great opportunity to bank content, film in portrait and they can be used all over socials. It’s a good way to ge a load of short form content with minimal effort.