Laid Bare Music

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#224 - How To Prepare For A Live Performance

  1. Get a good night sleep

    Make sure that you get a solid, undisturbed night’s sleep before you have a recording session or performance. Your body needs time to recharge. Most of your vocal care is happening during your ‘off-time’ so be mindful of how much sleep and rest you get. Otherwise, no amount of warming up is going to help you.

  2. Stay hydrated

    Regularly drinking water, especially pre-performance is important. When fully hydrated, your vocal folds become more elastic. Hydrated vocal folds allow you to do more with your instrument because they are pliable and ready to respond.

  3. Vocal exercises

    Vocal exercises activate the acid in the muscles surrounding your vocal cords, which allows the tendon in your throat to stretch, giving you more flexibility and control over your vocal performance.

  4. Vocal steamer/ room humidifier 

    A humidifier can help keep your vocal cords from drying out and is a great tool for singers. This is particularly helpful if you live in a dry region. Look for a personal, handheld humidifier that you can use before warming up to moisturize your throat and nasal passages. 

  5. Have a warm drink before singing 

    Go for something like non-caffeinated herbal teas or water with lemon and honey. This can soothe and hydrate your throat, helping you sing more efficiently.