Laid Bare Music

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#220 - Top Tips To Help Secure A Festival Slot

  1. Live Clip

    Bookers want to know what you are all about in the shortest time possible. So we'd always recommend having a good quality video of a live performance of a song that really says what your act is about. It saves their time and gets you ahead of the pack.

  2. Online presence

    All in all a combination of great music, strong identity, hard working and proactive online presence is what they’re looking for. If artists are inactive on socials it doesn’t show proactivity or commitment. Socials are the best way to showcase gigs and releases - use it!

  3. Stick to the application rules

    Applications usually have forms or emails, follow this format when you apply as social media messages can get lost and be unprofessional or inconvenient.

  4. A good pitch

    Provide a good quality image, a succinct biography, as well as appropriate links to your music. When writing your bio you don’t need to give us a long history of your career, just a short piece that references what you sound like, who your influences are and what achievements you’ve had.

  5. Local networking

    Start small and local. Of course, it’s every musician’s dream to perform on a big stage in front of screaming masses but it’s not easy for newcomers to push through. That’s why it’s advisable to play smaller local festivals, which you’ll then be able to use as a reference for your further career. If you want to be successful in the music business, you have to take every opportunity to get to know other musicians, bookers, managers, etc., and include them in your network.