#205 - 4 Mistakes To Avoid For Music Industry Success

  1. Doing it all alone

    Launching your music as an independent artist does not mean doing everything alone! It is sometimes difficult to take a step back from your own music but, don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice!

  2. Buying fake streams, followers or likes

    Even if this offer seems tempting at first glance, it could prevent you from succeeding in music! The different platforms track down those who use this technique. You risk being spotted and getting your account suspended. Use your money and time wisely!

  3. Not having a mailing list

    What will you do if you find yourself hacked and you no longer have access to your Instagram account? Or if the platform disappears? You don’t own Facebook or Instagram, however you own your mailing list. It is not subject to the vagaries of algorithm changes and other platform decisions. Internet users rarely change their email address, so a mailing list is the best way to stay in touch with your fans over the long term.

  4. Ignoring the stats

    Many musicians repeat the same strategies over and over again without trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Analyse your statistics on streaming platforms as well as those of your various social media accounts. How old are those who listen to your music? Where do they live? And why not just ask your new fans how they heard about you? Then, adjust your marketing strategies based on the information you have gathered.


#206 - 5 Signs a Promoter is Taking Advantage of You


#204 - 5 Growth Tips For Independent Artists