Laid Bare Music

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#191 - 5 Tips For A Successful Livestream As An Artist

  1. Think over your set

    Let’s say you have a bunch of songs you want to perform. A good idea would be to think of them as the pieces of one big puzzle. You could even create something reminiscent of a story. A well-planned set also alleviates unnecessary stress. You could leave space and time for audience requests to increase interactivity.

  2. Appearance

    Looks are important, not only does a good look attract more viewers, but it also emphasizes the level of your commitment and respect. Therefore, make sure you look the way you would like to present yourself to the world.

  3. Warm up before going live

    Another great idea is to warm up a little bit right before going live. Depending on the music you produce, you might want to do some vocal exercises or play your instruments for a few minutes. Stretch those chords and fingers.

  4. Make sure everything is set

    The final and most important preparation step is to double-check that everything is okay. Make sure the equipment works smoothly and you look and sound great and test it offline. It is essential to know what your viewers will see and hear.

  5. Interactive

    Be yourself, and interact fully with the viewers. This could be done via song requests, and Q&A or just a simple chat!