Laid Bare Music

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#137 - Top 5 Tips On How To Avoid Creative Burnout

  1. Exercise - Move your body! Exercise is good for both physical and mental health, It can give us an emotional boost and relieve stress. Even if it’s a short walk around the block or a a few morning stretches!

  2. Sleep - Our bodies need time to rest and reset, which is why healthy sleep habits are essential for our well-being. To feel well rested it is recommended to have at least 7-8 hours sleep every night, and 6.5 at the bare minimum!

  3. Schedule timeout - Remember to take a break! Stepping away from a task for as little as 5 minutes can go a long way. The time out you schedule doesn’t necessarily have to be during work hours either, it could be making sure you go to your favourite venue to watch a music gig! Any activity you enjoy, schedule the time for it… you deserve it!

  4. Ask for help - It’s important to reach out for help when experiencing a stressful time. However, if this feels difficult, try developing a self-care “Check-in” with close friends and family.

  5. Seek Inspiration - What inspired you to be creative in the first place? Was it a specific artist? An album you admire? Whatever it was, it might help reignite the spark of creativity if you find that your flame is burning a little dim. Head back to those sources of material that have inspired you before, and allow them to inspire you again!

It’s hard to know when you might be suffering from creative burnout, and it’s even harder to know what to do about it! If you’ve lost your creative productivity because of creative burnout, it can take time to find it again, but as long as you’re willing to put in a little effort, you will be back on track before you know it!