Laid Bare Music

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#136 - Top 5 Tips On How To Overcome Stage Fright

  1. Breathe - Find a space where you can close your eyes and take deep breaths into your belly. This will help you focus and centre you.

  2. Visualise - Think about how well your performance is going to go, and how good you will feel afterwards, instead of imagining it all going wrong.

  3. Think Positive - Avoid being negative and critical of yourself before going on stage, this can increase anxiety and a fear of making mistakes. It’s okay not to be perfect every time!

  4. Find a Focus Point - find a point at the back of the venue or ceiling. This will give you something to focus on to throw off any nervous energy.

  5. Avoid Caffeine - Skip that morning coffee if you have a performance on the day, caffeine is a stimulant and can increase your nerves.

To help ease and identify what causes us to experience stage fright, it is very important to revise any negative perceptions, beliefs, thoughts, images, and predictions related to performing on stage. It is completely normal to feel vulnerable when performing, but letting the fear of what others may think of us can stop us from doing what we do best! Learning to accept yourself and not feeling that you have to prove yourself to others is at the root of healing… you can do it!