#176 - 5 Reasons Why You Should Still Use Email Marketing

  1. Keep in touch with fans - Email is a great way to reach out and give your communications a personal touch - it’s important to let your fans know you care about them. It’s also a great way to ensure you’re not leaving out fans who aren’t active on social media - even though it might feel like, these days, everyone and their mum has an Instagram account, it’s not always the case.

  2. To promote your music - To make sure none of your releases slip past the eyes of your most loyal fans, email marketing is a sure-fire way to keep your audience up to date on your release schedule. And, when your new release drops, you can quickly send out a link so fans can easily buy / stream your music!

  3. Share insider information - With email, you can ensure devoted fans feel as though they have the inside scoop, offering perks such as advanced access to ticket sales, unannounced news, behind the scenes videos, the stories behind songs and personal moments. We all love feeling like we have access to exclusive content - if your email marketing is successful, it can feel equivalent to a backstage pass!

  4. To build a fan base - Perhaps the most crucial aspect of emailing marketing is keeping mailing lists up to date. Simple things such as, after events, asking via email whether event attendees would like to sign up to your mailing list, can massively help boost your subscriber count. Another way to build your base is to encourage newsletter subscribers to share discount codes to your music / events with their friends and family - a quick and easy way to dramatically increase your reach.

  5. Share press releases - Another key aspect of email marketing is sending press releases. Whether you’ve hired the help of a PR agency, or you’ve decided to spread the word yourself, building up a mailing list specifically for music publications and journalists means that, each time you have a new release, you have a list of contacts to return to.


#177 - 5 Signs a Promoter is Taking Advantage of You


#175 - 5 Reasons Why Artists Should Have a Website