#133 - 5 Tips On How To Receive Constructive Criticism

  1. Avoid getting defensive - When receiving constructive criticism, take a breath and avoid the urge to immediately react!

  2. Listen - Allow the giver to share their thoughts without interruption. When they finish, repeat what they have said back, this will help you focus on understanding their perspective.

  3. Ask questions - when you receive constructive criticism, ask the giver questions about their feedback, ensuring you understand and process what they mean by their comments.

  4. Say Thank You - saying thank you to a colleague for their feedback, doesn't mean you have to agree with it, however it shows an acknowledgement and appreciation of their perspective

  5. Remember, it’s helpful - It’s important to get a fresh perspective so that you can continue to improve and progress in your area of craft.

We all know how easy it is to feel offended by constructive criticism, but it is more than often one of the only ways we learn about our strengths and weaknesses - a key process to finding ways to improve. When we react defensively to feedback, we can miss out on important insights that really help us in the long run to be the best at what we do!


#134 - Top 6 Tips For The Beginner Producer


#132 William Poyer - Lightning