#130 - 5 Ways To Get Over My Social Media Fear

  1. Copy Paste: If you’re not sure where to start with your social media content, have a look at other accounts that you enjoy following or that are similar to what you have to offer. Maybe they share their pets, their instruments, the books they’re currently reading. The fear of posting is usually due to not knowing what to post - have a scroll through instagram and if you see something you could see yourself posting about. Save the post.

  2. Scheduling: We’re all busy and have other things to do than posting on social media, but here we are because in this day and age, it’s an essential communication tool whether you’re using it to stay in touch with friends or family or trying to reach a larger audience for your craft. There are many apps and websites that allow you to schedule your posts weeks in advance so that it takes the pressure off the daily stress of posting at an optimal time. Use this to your advantage on the days you’re motivated to restart your social media journey.

  3. Stay comfortable: Know your limits and what you’re happy sharing with the world. Everything you share will be on the internet forever so make sure you’re always 100% happy with what you’re putting out there. Knowing that you don’t want to share posts about your day job, your significant other or your family is completely okay and up to you. Write down what you are comfortable with and stay within those boundaries.  

  4. Stop comparing yourself to others: This is possibly the hardest step of all, but stop comparing yourself to other accounts. You don’t know what goes on behind the scenes of their perfect feed, how many hours it has taken to get there, what background they might have or if they’ve hired someone to help out. Chances are they struggled with social media at some point as well or they’re still struggling to this day.

  5. It’s not that serious: Don’t get hung up on the likes, the follows, or any of that. Yes it’s important and it can help your career but the more you hyper focus on the numbers the less time and energy you’ll have to be creative about your posts or your career. A slow steady growth is a lot more important and impressive than an overnight success.


#131 - 5 Tips When Choosing A Clip Of Your Song For TikTok


#129 S. T. Manville - Stalemate