Laid Bare Music

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#201 - Top Tips For Artists Before Entering The Recording Studio

  1. Prepare your equipment

    Before going into the studio make sure your all your instruments are ready for use and tuned. This saves time and minimises technical difficulties getting in the way of your recording time.

  2. Share demos with the producer

    Give your producer a sneak peak of demos. ahead of time so they have a clear direction of your sound, ideas and final vision.

  3. Keep an open mind

    Be open to experimentation and new ideas. This will help you form a more original sound that sets you apart from other artists and makes the recording process more creative and exciting.

  4. Take care of your voice

    If you are a singer, your voice is your instrument and you want to make the best use of the time paid for in the studio. Avoid alcohol in the days prior and try deep breathing with steam to look after your voice.

  5. Research production references

    Showing your producer other influences and sounds helps them understand your desired aesthetic. Be as specific as possible when it comes to sound e.g. for each instrument and vocal effect.