Laid Bare Music

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#189 - The Advantages Of Social Media Over Traditional PR

  1. Cost

    Beyond your time, organic social media promotion is free and can reach far. There are options to use ads to drive reach, however, on the whole a lot of progress can be made with the right content directed at the right audience.

  2. Targeting and intimacy

    Social-media allows for personal interactions with your fans. This builds a community of participating fans and the ability to continue to target those who care most about your message.

  3. Nimbleness

    A strong benefit of social media is the ability to respond to changes cheaply and rapidly. This is particularly useful during a campaign to keep the direction positive.

  4. Measurements

    A Huge amount of data is available to us from social media. This data can drive who you direct your campaigns to, where and how you advertise your music and overall help you gain a more specific understanding of your listeners activity and cater to this.

  5. Viral Growth

    Social Media has allowed overnight sensations. This type of content-based promotion has the chance of going viral and gaining a global reach.