#123 - 5 Ways To Get Over Writer’s Block!

  1. Relocate. Maybe your current environment isn’t the most inviting for a creative mind. There are many ways to change that and improve the space. However, if that still doesn’t help, don’t hesitate to relocate to somewhere that will get your juices flowing whether it’s a park, a coffee place, a cabin in the woods or your old stomping ground.

  2. Use a prompt. The song of the summer last year was about watermelons, so you never know what will strike inspiration. Don’t be afraid of the obscure. It might not be what you end up writing about (or the song of the summer) but it might just get you out of the block.

  3. Take a break. There’s nothing worse than sitting around and telling yourself you can’t move on until you’ve finished. I’m telling you now, MOVE. Go outside, take a break, go on an adventure for a few hours, follow the colours and see where life takes you. You’ll be much more inspired than being sat at your desk.

  4. Write about anything. It doesn’t even have to be related to music. Pick a subject, any subject and just go from there. Just describe what you’re seeing around you or what you’re currently feeling and just go with it. At some point, inspiration will start flowing.

  5. Use your empathy. If you usually write about your life but nothing is currently happening, re-watch your favourite movies or your favourite books. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Ask nicely and maybe you can even borrow one of your friend’s latest stories.


#124 Jolé & Christof van der Ven - Bygone


#122 - 5 Tips To Find Your Perfect Producer!