#121 - 5 Tips & Tricks To Steal From Top 40 Artists!

  1. Show your personality: It’s healthy to keep barriers from your social media profiles, however in order to make fans, they need to see a bit of themselves in you. Make a list of what you’re okay with sharing and what you’re not. Find an aspect of yourself thats not related to music that you’d be happy sharing with the public.

  2. Photoshoots all day every day: Top40 artists often have a large amount of photos of themselves they can use across social media, especially on days when they’re not doing anything exciting. Make sure that you have a library of photos and videos that you can share. Take an hour and go have a photoshoot in your city with your friends.

  3. Combine fanbases: Single collabs are an easy way for artists to combine fanbases, however if you dont have Justin Bieber’s phone number there are ways for you to do it too. If you’re a fan of an artist or if your music would appeal to a specific fanbases, tap into it by doing a few covers of that artist and tagging prominent members (aka fan accounts) of those fanbases.

  4. Incentives: Pre-saves, email addresses and other boring things for fans are vital for artists to get. Most artists use incentives, even the biggest ones and it doesnt have to cost you a cent: offer a personal thank you video if they pre-save your song, add them to your close friend story and make sure to give them exclusive content, give them access to your song before anyone else through soundcloud, have them watch the video before its out.. And by spending a little money, it’ll also go a long way: send them an autograph through the mail, give them a discount for some merch.

  5. Use your fans: Fans are the best thing you can have, whether its 5 or 500,000 - use them! They’re your best marketing tool. Fans will share your music, create art, and make playlists. Like some of the Top40 artists, share it and show them your appreciate it.


#122 - 5 Tips To Find Your Perfect Producer!


#120 - Sansha - Dream Dancer