Laid Bare Music

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#140 - 6 Tips On Creating Reels On Instagram

  1. Use Original Audio - Using audio from other can inspire new. Search for original sounds from other accounts to incorporate them into your videos.

  2. Subtitles - Add subtitles for people who watch content without sound, this also makes your content invaluable for those with hearing difficulties.

  3. Script It - Prepare what you are going say, and try to make each reel you create tie into a bigger narrative of your other content. Try creating a reel calendar!

  4. Share To Your Story - Sharing to your story can help increase reach on the post. Try placing a gif. over the video to encourage users to go and watch the full version.

  5. Hashtags - Including hashtags in your content helps the instagram algorithm understand your content. Don’t forget to use keywords related to the content!

  6. Use Content That Reflects You - Create content that reflects you as a brand, and master it. If it works for you, keep doing it!

  7. Use Content That Reflects You - One way to gain good reach on Instagram Reels is creating content that reflects you as a brand and mastering it. It can take time to generate traction, but if it works for you, keep doing it!

As an independent artist It’s hard to keep up with posting on social media regularly, especially when they get updated with new features you have to learn how to use all over again. Instagram reels are a feature that is well worth learning how to use, allowing you to promote you brand, express yourself, and be creative. We hope these top 6 tips on creating Instagram reels are a good step towards you being a Instagram reel master!